I write this article due to inquiries from visitor of this blog. She asked which of course appropriate to her. I thought she had no academic qualifications in the field of HSE. This is to facilitate also for individuals who want to venture into this field.
Currently, in Malaysia, there are many institutions or university that provides courses in certificate, diploma, degree, masters. Which program is suitable with the current situation and legal needs? As we know, DOSH has issued draft amendments on SHO Regulation 1997 and SHO Order 1997 in which explained that to be the first grade SHO, a person must possess a minimum academic degree in areas approved by the minister, on the recommendation of Director General (DG).
In my opinion, after taking several factors, diploma or degree has provide more advantages for the moment. The diploma and degree holders in the HSE in Malaysia are still small. In addition, legal requirements, such as those described above. If you take a diploma or degree level programs, this means you have passed the academic level of a certificate and it also saves time, money and stress on exam.
The following hierarchy in academic level
1) Certificate
2) Diploma
3) Degree
4) Masters
5) The doctor of philosophy
Diploma or degree program can be taken full-time and part-time in many research institutes or institutions recognized by DOSH.
For more details, please drop your comment on My HSE @ Facebook.
I am looking for a HSE certificate short course.
Please email me info on nodof@hotmail.com
i would like to do master in HSE.can you please guide me to enrol myself for this study.
my email is alanthurai@yahoo.com
please reply to me.
Thank you.
hi there,
i'm looking for a "hse certificate short course", would appreciate it if you could email me the "info" at paktam8589@gmail.com, thank you.
I am looking for a HSE certificate short courses, would appreciate it if you could email me the info at : badreddine.toumi@yahoo.fr
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